‘In Motion – Art & Football’ is a walk-in Gesamtkunstwerk that stages 175 works of art from national and international collections, including some rarely shown works by René Magritte, Paul Klee, Banksy, Nicolas de Staël, Friedensreich Hundertwasser, Willi Baumeister, Felix Nussbaum, L. S. Lowry, Robert Delaunay, Salvador Dalí, Joan Miró and Umberto Boccioni, on a large scale across 1,000 square metres.

The show operates at the interface between digital and analogue art mediation, between film and performance.

21 projectors, 45 loudspeakers and 110 spotlights, together with huge projection surfaces, mirror systems and a three-dimensional sound system, create a spatial and immersive experience that appeals to all the senses.


Location and Client: Deutsches Fussballmuseum, Dortmund

Medienkonzeption & Medienproduktion: PxB Studios

Kreativdirektion & Technische Leitung: Alexander Bartneck

Projektleitung: Jana Pausinger

Regie & Konzeption: Andreas Gräfenstein

Art Direction & Motion Design: Marta Bala

Motion Design: Georg Frömelt, Rafael Calleja Orallo, Susann Stötzner

Musikkomposition: Kai Dann

Sound Design: Boris Jöns

Ausstellunggestaltung und Szenografie: Neo Next Berlin



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